The #1 Question I’m asked: How are you so resilient?

In a crisis, some things are out of your control. A disaster is like a wave. You must be humble enough to know when it is time to step aside and ride the wave that you can’t control. Ride it until it’s over. Then take control when it’s over. In a way, a crisis teaches you how small you are and yet how powerful you can be. The resilience comes at the end. You take back control over your life. You don’t have to be a victim; instead be a survivor. … More The #1 Question I’m asked: How are you so resilient?

4 Phases that Explain Spiritual Growth Perfectly

Growth happens in seasons. For a time, you are searching for and discovering truth, then that season fades and it seems like you are nurturing and growing spiritually. The human spirit is radiant and can be nurtured and developed or ignored and neglected. Perhaps your growth started with relationships and connecting to people is easy for you but growth in truth still alludes you. Or you struggle the most with love, especially self-love. It doesn’t happen all at the same time but each phase transforms you. … More 4 Phases that Explain Spiritual Growth Perfectly