Confessions of an Outlaw Christian

In intimate relationships, we practice honesty. I think of my kids. I know when they are struggling with something, but it means so much to me when they come and talk to me about it. I want to hear from them. And if they are mad at me, I especially want to talk so that we can clear the air. I want them to know I love them. No matter what. Why would I think it would be any different with my Heavenly Father? … More Confessions of an Outlaw Christian

3 Necessary Shifts – Change Old Mindsets – Part 2

In the narrative of hope, the outcome is in my favor. If I am passing through a dark valley right now, I don’t allow myself to be swallowed by the darkness. I am not of the darkness. I am light. It’s going to take toughness on my part in this moment. I will get through this to the other side. I keep my eyes on the light, not the darkness.

More 3 Necessary Shifts – Change Old Mindsets – Part 2