Confessions of an Outlaw Christian

In intimate relationships, we practice honesty. I think of my kids. I know when they are struggling with something, but it means so much to me when they come and talk to me about it. I want to hear from them. And if they are mad at me, I especially want to talk so that we can clear the air. I want them to know I love them. No matter what. Why would I think it would be any different with my Heavenly Father? … More Confessions of an Outlaw Christian

Everyone uses platitudes: here’s why I don’t

A platitude given without the wrestling part feels empty, shallow, and clueless in the complexity of the struggle and the mixture of emotions.
When you give platitudes before the wrestling, It’s the result without the process. It’s the glory without the price. it’s like wanting a mountain top view with paying the price of hiking. … More Everyone uses platitudes: here’s why I don’t

i believe

Christianity is not for the faint of heart. In the Christian faith, you will grow and be stretched beyond what you think is possible. You will be humbled progressively and loved lavishly. In the process, you will develop a magnificent strength of heart. … More i believe