Resilient Narrative

[Excerpt from my memoir coming in November 2020] When I was 15 years old, my sister Pearl was 16 years old. We were doing an errand for my parents. We lived in the capital of El Salvador. We were walking behind the American Embassy on a sidewalk. The Embassy took the entire block. Two large black … More Resilient Narrative

Christianity is not a Test; it’s a Relationship

Think about another use of questions, not as a test but exploration. Relationship is not like the typical school environment where the teacher is searching for a specific right answer. In a relationship, there are several directions that one can take. The key is to stay connected. So, go ahead and ask the hard questions. … More Christianity is not a Test; it’s a Relationship

Silence that Kills

I don’t want a fake-it-until-you-make-it kind of relationship with God. I want a real relationship that goes deep. I want to be real with God. I think he wants it too. If I have questions, I ask them. If I am wrestling with something, I say it. If I am hurting, I bring it to God. And If I’m angry, I’m honest about it. … More Silence that Kills

Confessions of an Outlaw Christian

In intimate relationships, we practice honesty. I think of my kids. I know when they are struggling with something, but it means so much to me when they come and talk to me about it. I want to hear from them. And if they are mad at me, I especially want to talk so that we can clear the air. I want them to know I love them. No matter what. Why would I think it would be any different with my Heavenly Father? … More Confessions of an Outlaw Christian